4 things you need to know before getting a tattoo

4 things you need to know before getting a tattoo

The doorknob has fallen and the decision to get the tattoo you've been dreaming of for a long time has finally been made! However, before you head to the tattoo studio read these 4 things you need to know.

1. it's a decision for life

A tattoo is not a t-shirt or jeans that you can change depending on what you look good in today. It's also not a piece of art on canvas that you'll stow away at the bottom of your wardrobe when you get bored. The ink in your skin will be with you for the rest of your existence on this planet, so think twice before you pimp yourself out.

2. Tattoos do cost money

Tattoo artists are professionals who dedicate their time, skill and effort to produce aesthetically pleasing, clean and permanent tattoos for their clients. The best ones expect to pay really high rates for their artwork because they know it's worth it. It's not worth skimping on a tattoo, so you'd better be well prepared financially.

3. Tattoos hurt

Yes, they do hurt :) Some will say that it doesn't hurt at all, for others it will be one of the most horrible events of their lives, compared to which a visit to the dentist is a trifle. A lot depends also on a place, where a tattoo will be made, but this is a subject for a separate article. Before visiting a tattoo studio, get a good night's sleep and eat a decent breakfast. It's a really big effort for the body, many people feel like they have the flu after a long session.

4. Tattoos require aftercare

After getting your dream tattoo, listen carefully to your tattoo artist's recommendations. Your body is now badly injured and needs care to heal quickly and nicely. For the care of a fresh tattoo, Loveink Tattoo Cream works great. But it doesn't stop there, because if you want to keep your tattoo in good condition, you need to take care of it in your daily hygiene - this is where Tattoo Soap LoveInk comes to the rescue, containing mild cleansers and antibacterial silver. This is the only way to ensure your colours last and your skin stays in good condition.


Also remember that collecting tattoos is terribly addictive! Much more so than collecting stamps or anything else ;)

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