Tattoos and careers - acceptance is growing, but...

Until a decade or so ago, tattoos in the workplace were a taboo subject. They were associated with subcultures and could make it difficult to find employment. Today, the world is changing - tattoos have become a form of self-expression and their presence on the skin is no longer so controversial. But are they fully accepted in every industry?
From this article you will learn:
✅ Can tattoos affect your career?
✅ In which industries are tattoos welcome and where can they be controversial
✅ How do employers approach visible tattoos?
✅ Can a tattoo get in the way of a promotion?
✅ What are the trends regarding tattoos in the workplace?
Let's take a look at how tattoos affect working life and the attitudes of different industries towards them.
1. Tattoos in the workplace - acceptance is growing, but...
Year on year, the visibility of tattoos in the professional environment is increasing. More and more people, including corporate employees, are opting for visible tattoos without fear of employer reaction.
However, research indicates that:
📌There are still industries where tattoos can be perceived badly (e.g. law, finance, medicine).
📌The location of the tattoo matters - tattoos on the arms, neck or face can be controversial, while those hidden under clothing are perfectly acceptable.
📌Company culture is key - modern companies (especially in the creative industries) are more likely to accept tattoos than those of a conservative nature.
Can a tattoo actually affect your career? Let's find out what it looks like in different industries.
2. How are tattoos perceived in different industries?
Creative industries - tattoos are an asset!
In professions related to art, graphic design, fashion or music, a tattoo can even be welcomed. Creatives, artists, designers - in these professions originality and individuality are a huge plus.
✅Tattoos often emphasise personality and creativity.
✅No rigid dress code rules - it's the ideas that count, not the appearance.
✅Examples? Tattoo artists, photographers, graphic designers, musicians - here a tattoo can even be a business card!
Corporates and finance - neutral, but with some rules
A restrictive approach to tattoos is increasingly rare in large companies, but... it all depends on the position and the company.
✨Tattoos are still better when they are discreet - visible on the neck, hands or face can provoke mixed reactions.
✨Dress code plays a big role - in banking or consulting, a professional appearance still counts.
✨Employees with business clients - here tattoos may be treated less favourably than in internal teams.
Tip: Many corporations allow tattoos as long as they are not controversial (e.g. offensive symbols). If in doubt - check the company culture before applying!
Medicine and law - still more conservative
Doctors, nurses, lawyers - in these professions tattoos are not always welcome, especially if they are highly visible.
⚖️In law - clients expect a professional image, which may mean hiding tattoos during working hours.
🩺In medicine - doctors and nurses have direct contact with patients, and tattoos can evoke different reactions (especially in older patients).
But here too, a lot is changing! In some hospitals or chambers, tattoos are no longer a problem if they are not controversial.
Uniformed services - depends on the country and the regulations
Police, military, fire service - here the issue of tattoos is heavily regulated. In some countries and units visible tattoos are forbidden, while in others they are fully accepted.
🚓In some police formations it is required to cover tattoos on duty.
🫡The military tends to be more flexible, but there are still restrictions - tattoos cannot be on the face or hands.
Catering, retail, sports - complete freedom
Waiters, barista, salesmen - in these professions tattoos are widely accepted and often even add character.
⚽️In the sports world (footballers, bodybuilders, personal trainers) tattoos are even the norm.
☕️In gastronomy - tattoos are part of the culture (e.g. baristas or bartenders).
3. Can a tattoo get in the way of a promotion?
In theory it shouldn't, but in practice some people may still have some preconceptions.
✨Older generations have a different attitude - for some, a tattoo is still associated with rebellion or subcultures.
✨It depends on the company and the position - managers or team leaders may have higher image expectations.
Fortunately, more and more companies are focusing on competence rather than appearance, meaning that tattooing is less and less likely to affect career progression.
4. How do you approach the subject of tattoos at work?
📌If you work in a conservative industry - check what the company's policies are and possibly cover up tattoos.
📌If you're at a job interview - it's worth assessing whether a tattoo might affect your first impression (if it does, it's easier to hide it).
📌If you have tattoos on your face, neck or hands - consider whether your chosen industry accepts them.
Tattoos at work - the future?
The trend is clear: the world is increasingly accepting tattoos. In many industries they are no longer relevant, and in some they even add character.
But before you decide to get a visible tattoo, it is worth asking yourself, ‘Is it a problem in my industry?’ If not - go ahead! And if it is - perhaps it's better to choose a spot that can be easily covered up.
The business world is increasingly opening up to tattoos, but there are still industries where visible adornment on the skin can be questionable. While in creative professions a tattoo can be an asset, in more conservative environments a classic image still counts. If you are considering a tattoo, it is worth considering the nature of your industry and the rules that apply. However, one thing is for sure - the trend of accepting tattoos in the workplace is growing and competence is starting to matter more than appearance.