It won't wash off anymore - a tattoo at the pool

From this article you will learn:
- How tattooed skin behaves in the pool
- When to return to swimming
- Is it possible to ice swimming with a tattoo
Nurse - the pool
We already know how care for a fresh tattoo looks when we want to head to the gym. Is the matter just as simple if we want to exercise or play in the water?
Here things get a little more complicated, because the pool is not only bad for new tattoos, but also for healed ones. The chemistry used in artificial swimming pools must be balanced in terms of several elements. These include the right pH, which must not be too acidic or alkaline, as the water could be destructive to both the skin and the water system. Another element is the way the water is disinfected - chlorine or oxygen. And also chemistry against fungus and the growth of algae and other micro-organisms. All these elements, when affecting our skin on a regular basis, can damage it.
Swimming fans are certainly familiar with the great discomfort of burning eyes and itchy skin after prolonged or frequent visits to swimming pools. And dry skin with tattoos itches several times more intensely. Therefore, it needs to be cared for with a little more care than the stepmother cared for Cinderella.
Towards the lake
A fresh tattoo absolutely rules out swimming. And at the swimming pool in particular. While going to the gym is enough to secure a fresh ink well, a swimming pool doesn't give us such an opportunity. We can, of course, try to swim with our arm or leg raised above the surface of the water, but this is neither comfortable, nor sporty, nor recreational, nor dignified.
However, if we are tempted to visit a natural bathing area, a river, the sea, a lake... then we must remember all those microscopic algae, blue-green algae, seaweed, torsion and a whole host of creatures that reign among the water droplets, to which we open the way to our body in the form of an open, unhealed wound.
So how long should we wait? A month. Or at least three weeks. Because it is not just a matter of superficially recreating the epidermis, but of building up a full protective barrier for our body and getting rid of skin micro-injuries. During the healing period of a fresh tattoo, it is best to use the right cosmetics to support this process - for example LOVEINK Tattoo Cream, which contains as many as 9 active ingredients.
And although tattoos look great on the beach and in costume, water doesn't like them like a six-year-old's Brussels sprouts. We can, of course, push them in by force, but it will end badly.
Bucket of cold water
How do you know it's still too early for a swim? If you feel that after a visit to the water your tattoo starts to bulge. And that means your skin is irritated, dried out or has been exposed to chemicals. You know the prescription - don't scratch, lubricate. But this is the simplest and clearest signal by which you can assess whether the carcass is already safe and ripe for swimming. In order to keep our hole properly moisturised, Tattoo Butter Aloe LOVEINK with natural oils, enriched with aloe vera extract, will be perfect.
So can you ice swim with a tattoo? Common sense answers: you can, but who would want to give vent to their own desire to enter icy water!
In fact, there is not the slightest objection to this form of entertainment, dubious in its comfort. However, if you believe that ice is not necessarily only for ice skating and drinks, go ahead and plunge under it with your healed tattoos.
It doesn't really matter what the temperature of the water you jump into is. For tattoos, the most unsuitable water is simply water with chemicals in it.
Going back to the swimming pool with a tattoo requires more patience than a quick jog or a visit to the gym. Chlorinated or oxygenated water is bad not only for the ink but also for the whole skin. And its good condition means longer colour retention, consistency of contours and colours and non-ageing of the tattoo. You must remember to hold off from visiting the pool for as long as possible, and dose your return so that you can assess not only the readiness and condition of your body, but also that of its largest organ.